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Tao Goss narrowed his eyes: In fact, the biological mech biggest advantage is that the occult; ordinary metal mech easily radar now, bio-mech, then you do not have this problem, not only does the metal reflected wave, and heat through much smaller than the metal mech. Kinds of radar body is no more! Burgos patted Tao the He Ruozhi the shoulder and said: Come, sit in a cockpit, to teach oakley sunglasses cheap mech armed with some basic driving skills. He Ruozhi sweating cold sweat got into the cockpit, he fell not afraid to not learn these things, but the fear of inadvertently showed his superior driving skills! Fortunately, the star field design and manufacture of tianning mech is a type of high spiritual power, on the control panel do not how many buttons to choose from, requires the use of electronic neuron system to manipulate. He Ruozhi a wood look blankly, looking at Tao Burgos.

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